Friday, December 27, 2019

Racism in Sports Essay - 1662 Words

Racism in Sports Racism is a belief that people of different races have different qualities and abilities, and that some races are inherently superior or in inferior. Racism in the form of discrimination persists in society. Racism in sports occurs in both team and individual sports around the world. Sports itself does not induce racism. Sports are meant to be a colorblind activity that adheres to the notion of fair play. Racism in sports is a problem which manifest around the world. It led to a wide range of controversial incidents. Racism in sports is only a big problem because the media is choosing to make it one. Racism in sports played a major role in this ranking, therefore racism is still exists today in society as well†¦show more content†¦The story of the campaign to integrate baseball remained unknown to most whites in the United States. For blacks, it was one of the most important stories involving racial equality in the 1930s and 1940s. Black sportswriters and o thers framed the campaign to end segregation in baseball in terms of democracy and equal opportunity. To black’s newspaper, if there could be racial equality in baseball, there could be racial equality elsewhere in society. The black sportswriters took their campaign to baseball commissioner. They made their case to baseball executives at their annual meeting. They met individually with a number of team owners who promised tryouts and then canceled the tryouts. Yet the story of the campaign to desegregate baseball remained unknown to most of the United States. White baseball fans did not know that blacks were prohibited from the game. They did not know that there were blacks good enough to play in the major leagues. They did not know that many major league managers and players supported integration. They also did not know that sportswriters had their own color line (the baseball writers association prohibited blacks). Sportswriters said anything about the color line, which was not often; they justified the absence of blacks in baseball with blatant dishonesty. J.G. Taylor Spink, theShow MoreRelatedRacism in the Sports Industry1594 Words   |  6 Pagesstrides to eliminate racism within the United States. Through history we are able to see how ugly our nation was as it judged people by the color of their skin and in extreme cases killed them for it. Through law, we have been able to advance from such an ugly time, but yet we still see racism show its ugly head quite often. A great way to see such a transition is through sport. Sports have been around through segregation and very dark moments of racism in the United States. 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This essay will look at the many ways in sport in which race and skin colour has been represented to society. This essay will begin to look at race from a historical perspective within the context of Australia. It will

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Energy Drink Marketing Report - 3887 Words

Executive summary This report provides analyses of the fast growing energy drink market and the top two companies of this sector, they are: Red Bull GmbH and Hansen Natural. The two companies sell Red Bull and Monster Energy drinks respectively. We will explore both company’s background information and their strategic marketing of differentiating from traditional soft drink industry and within the energy drink market itself. We found that the macro and micro environment of the industry and company is influenced by the changing household structure, the health focus of the customer, power of distributors, competitors and regulations. Furthermore, we find that core market segments of the two companies are different. Red Bull focus on a†¦show more content†¦Its main energy drink product line is the Monster Energy, it is the number two energy drink brand globally and was recently launched in Australia in 2011 (â€Å"About us,† 2011). Hansen Natural also produces a wide range of juice s, soda, drink mixers, health focused beverages and energy drinks. It employees over 1000 staff mostly based in America and its 2010 revenue is 1.3 billion USD, a 14.10% increase over the 2009 level (â€Å"Hansen Natural,† 2011). Product Overview The Redbull Energy drink is based on Thailand version of Red Bull called â€Å"Krating Daeng†. It and its variations contain ingredients such as taurine, caffeine and B vitamins (â€Å"Red Bull†, 2011). Its packaging of blue and silver can with the twin bull logo is widely recognised thanks to its marketing, endorsement and sponsorship efforts. The catchphrase for the product is â€Å"Red bull gives you wiings† (â€Å"Company figures,† 2011). It also comes in the forms of Red Bull Sugarfree and Red bull energy shots. It is a sweet drink with a hint of sour medicinal tastes with the claim it can vitalize body and mind. Globally Red Bull product line amounts for roughly 40% of the energy drink market share with over 4 billion cans sold in 2010, which is a 7.6% increase over the previous year’s figure (â€Å"Company figures,† 2011). Red bull was first produced in 1987 and entered Australian market in 1997. Monster Energy line of energy drinks is different from the RedShow MoreRelatedSynergy Energy Drink Marketing Report Plan3305 Words   |  14 PagesSYNERGY ENERGY DRINK MARKETING PLAN Prepared By: Damien Rossetto George Scott Aditya Prepared For: MKTG600 Table of Contents Executive Summary This marketing plan report on Synergy energy drink, an Australian owned and produced company provides an analysis and evaluation of the current and future performance and marketing strategies for the future growth and establishment. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

MRI Imaging Musculoskeltal Assignment - Effective Solution

Questions: 1- Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) can be an indication for MRI of the hip. Define and discuss this condition. 2- Discuss coil selection and describe how you would position a patient for MRI of hips. 3- "Tennis Elbow" is a common indication for elbow MRI. Define and discuss this condition. 4- Discuss coil selection and describe how you would position a patient for MRI of an elbow Answers: 1. Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) can be an indication for MRI of the hip. Define and discuss this condition. Femoroacetabular Impingement or FAI is said to be a condition where the hip bones are unusually shaped (Owens, 2009). As because of the irregular bones, they do not perfectly fit together and hence, rub against one another. This causes injury to the hip joint. This picture represents healthy hip; femoral head sets in perfectly into acetabulum; source: Basically, the hip anatomy is made up of a ball and socket joint. The socket potion is made up of acetabulum, the part of largest pevis bone. The ball is mainly the thighbone or femoral head that is the upper area of femur. A greasy tissue, articluar cartilage cover ups the ball and socket surface. The articluar cartilage creates a low friction and smooth surface, which helps the hip bones to easily move smoothly across one another. The acetabulum is looped by labrum, a strong fibrocartilage. The labrum practically works as a mechanical seal, a tight seal that gives joint stability. This picture illustrates comparison among different states of FAI; source: (Hessel, 2014). In case of femoroacetabular impingement, bone spurs form along the acetabulum or femoral head. The overgrowth of bone causes hip bones to knock against one another and cannot move smoothly (Pun, Kumar Lane, 2014). Eventually, this condition can give rise to the ripping of labrum and articular cartilage breakdown, which is also termed as osteoarthritis. Types of FAI There are mainly three types of FAI, medically termed as cam, pincer and combined impingement. Cam: In case of cam, the femoral head is malformed and failed to rotate smoothly inside acetabulum. A bulge appears on the boundary of femoral head and this appearance crushes the cartilage insde acetabulum. Pincer: This type of condition arises because of extension of an extra bone over normal acetabulum rim. This situation can crush labrum beneath the prominent rim of acetabulum. Combined: In this type of impingement both can and pincer types are visible. FAI progression Currently it is quite difficult to statistically present the data of FAI affected individuals. Few people may survive for a longer period of time, actively with FAI and may never face any complications. Nevertheless, while indications develop it generally shows that damage is present to the labrum or cartilage and subsequently the illness is expected to progress. Indications may include limping, stiffness and pain. Causes of FAI FAI takes place as hip bones fail to form usually during childhood. It is considered as the malformation of a pincer or cam bone spur or both the condition together, which causes joint pain and damage. It is said that when hip bones are abnormally shaped, there will be few options left to avoid this condition. Researchers have seen that athletically active individual may utilize their hip joint more dynamically. They may start to feel the pain prior than those individuals who are not much active. Nevertheless, exercises do not cause FAI. Symptoms of FAI FAI affected individuals generally suffer from pain within the groin region, through pain can be sometimes felt towards the exterior part of the hip. Sharp and stabbing sensation of pain may initiate with squatting, twisting and turning but occasionally it is merely a dull sensation. Diagnosis of FAI Impingement test Initially the physician prefers to check the primary indication by conducting impingement test. During this examination, the knees are brought up to the chest and rotate inwards towards opposite the shoulders. If this rotation created pain in the hip, the result indicates positive signs for impingement test. Imaging test Imaging tests include x-rays, MRI and CT scans. MRI is considered as the best imaging test, as this can create better images of flexible tissues. By this test physicians find damages to the articular cartilage and labrum area. To make the image more prominent, dyes are injected into the joint areas. Or else, numbing medicines are also injected into the joints. These medicines give pain relief for certain period of time and confirm that femoroacetabular impingement is a complication. Treatment of FAI Treatment includes surgical and non-surgical interventions. Activity changes, physical therapy and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs come under non-surgical interventions. Such as: ibuprofen helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Incisions to treat FAI; source: (Palmer et al., 2014) Many femoroacetabular impingement complications are treated with surgical treatment. For example: arthroscopic techniques are performed with little incisions and light instruments. According to the American Society for Sports Medicine, surgeries can diminish indications successfully caused by impingement. Correcting this problem can stop further damage to the joints of the hip region (, 2015). Nevertheless, all the damage cannot be corrected with surgeries, particularly if management has been postponed and injury is severe. Therefore, recently, surgeries are considered as the best way to manage painful femoroacetabular impingement. 2. Coil selection Multipurpose phased array coil; source: (Moller Reif, 2010) Shoulder coil; source: (Moller Reif, 2010). Characterizing anatomical borders for MRI offers means of verifying the inclusion regions when selecting a proper radiofrequency coil and developing a pulse sequence. Inidivual imaging coil has particular specified view field, which need to be considered by radiographer, while choosing a proper device. Different coils are structured with a typical function in mind, but are commonly adapted in medical imaging purpose of more than one area of the system. Multipurpose phased array coil is probably the best for imaging purpose for joints, like hip and elbow region (Petchprapa, Dunham, Lattanzi Recht, 2013). Not only that, shoulder coils may also be used for hip joint imaging. MRI of hip joints is considered as the most hopeful and rapidly developing methods of contemporary diagnostics. The doctors can investigate the pathological and structural changes and also evaluate pathophysiological and physico-chemical processes of hip joints all together or as individual structures. For hips, a dedicated phrased array hip coil or phased array cardiac coil or phased array torso coil is good to use. If signal to noise ratio is not satisfactory with torso coil, then using a flex wrap coil is always recommendable (Orbach et al., 2006). The view field needs to be adequate to resolve acetabular roof and articular cartilage of femoral head. In case an extra Matrix or NEX is needed for proper SNR on 3small field of view (FOV) sequences through affected if, then the radiographer should perform so, even though this process adds additional times. The coronal stir needs to be a rapid sequence; the slice thickness and resolution need to be accustomed to save some time. It is uncomfortable for a patient if the examination duration increases. Therefore, the capacity to combine parts for multi-region imaging amplifies the efficacy of each coil modules, and this makes the imaging technique of different pathologies or medical indications less burdensome for the radiographers and reduces the time of examinations. Supine position; source: (Rengle et al., 2009) Decubitus position; source: (Rengle et al., 2009) A radiologist may position a patient for in certain postures and coil will be used around the region of interest. This should be exact, as it provides doctors with an outstanding examination. Sometimes the radiographers may ask a patient to lie in a particular position which is not comfortable for him/her. If a patient is feeling complications with a particular position requested, then the patient should convey the same to the radiographer prior starting the assessment. The radiographer may adjust the patient to a comfortable position, so that he/she can examine the patient properly. A proper position of a patient for hip MRI should be the following: supine-feet first (Bright, 2009). This position is helpful to wrap or tape the feet together to diminish the leg movement. If coils are appropriate for bodys imaging, they may be applied when patient illness put limitations on conventional positioning. For example: if a patient is incapable to lying in supine position, the patient may be tter bear the technique when asked to lie in a decubitus position and examined applying a coil. 3. Tennis elbow is said to be a condition where the external parts of elbows become tender and painful. Tennis elbow is also termed as lateral epicondylitis. The external parts of elbows are known as lateral epicondyle. In this condition a chronic or acute inflammation may take place in the joint tendons within the muscles of forearms on the external part of the elbows (Mellor, 2003). The tendons and forearm muscles become injured from over repetitive use, which means repeating the same motions frequently. The tenderness, pain and inflammation on the external parts of elbows are because of the over repetitive motions of the forearm. Causes of tennis elbow Tennis elbow; source: (Jones, 2009) As it is mentioned earlier, tennis elbow is caused by overuse injury. It happens when the tendons and muscles of the forearms are strained because of strenuous or repetitive activity. Not only this, this condition may take place after knocking or banging the elbows. If the tendons or muscles are stressed, tiny inflammation and tars can develop near to the bony lump on the exterior region of the elbows. Activities that can cause tennis elbow include: playing squash, badminton or tennis; throwing sports, like: discus or javelin; application of shears while gardening; application of roller or paintbrush while decorating; bricklaying or plumbing; activities, which includes wrist and hand movements, like: typing or using scissors and other works that include repeated elbow movement, like: playing violin. Researchers have shown that the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle contributes greatly in this condition (Sasaki et al., 2011). Trauma, for example: direct blows to epicondyle, sudden forceful extension of pull are responsible mainly for these injuries. Playing tennis in a wrong way may initiate the condition of tennis elbow early, as shock is acquired while a player misses a hit. Mostly individual of 30-50years of age are affected with tennis elbow, through anybody can get affected with tennis elbow, if they have the possible risk factors. Macroscopic and microscopic tears between the periosteum area of lateral humeral epicondyle and the extensor tendon are the main pathological changes, occur during this condition. Radial nerves are significantly associated with this condition. In this condition radial nerves constrictions may take place by sticking to the short extensor muscle and radiohumeral joint of the wrist. Calcification of bicipital tendinitis, rotator cuff and carpal tunnel syndrome can increase the possibility of tennis elbow. Symptoms of tennis elbow Pain location in lateral epicondylitis; source: In this case, generally pain slowly increases around the exterior part of the elbow and very less it is seen that pain develops all of a sudden. Pain is worst while squeezing any object, shaking hands, moving wrist with force, such as: using tools, lifting, opening jars, application of fork, knife or toothbrush. It weakens the grip strengths. Diagnosis of tennis elbow Doctor generally considers different factors while making an analysis. These include how the indications developed, work-related risk factors and sports participation. Imaging tests include x-rays, MRI and EMG. Electormyography or EMG is performed to exclude nerve compression. If a physician assumed that he pain is associated with neck problem, an MRI scan is recommended to check for a possibility of arthritis or herniated disk in the neck. Both these conditions may produce pain in the arm (Chiang, Hsieh Lew, 2012). X-ray is generally performed to exclude the condition of elbow arthritis. Treatment of tennis elbow Non-surgical: steroid injections can be administered in this condition, for example: cortisone is very efficient as anti-inflammatory drugs. However, another option is extracorporeal shock wave therapy, where it sends sound waves towards the elbow and creates microtrauma, which induce the systems natural healing pathways (Hughes, 2010). This technique is still in its infancy. Physical therapy includes exercises for improvingthe muscle strength of forearms. Therapist may perform ice massage, ultrasound or other associated muscle stimulating techniques to develop muscle healing. Surgical: if non-surgical treatments do not respond well, then a physician mostly recommend a patient for surgical treatment. This includes open surgery and arthroscopic surgery. Open surgery is considered as the most common approach. This includes performing an incision over elbow. After surgical treatment arm may be temporarily immobilized with splint. After a week the splint and sutures are removed (Larsen, 2012). Researchers have suggested that, with surgical invention various complications may have raised, and almost 80-95% patients showed successful response with non-surgical therapies. 4. 5-inch wraparound coil; A-represents General Electrical flex receive-only coil and B-represents elbow position; source: (Kaplan Potter, 2004). The attainment of standard MRI images of elbow is tough by various factors, which includes complication in patient positioning, lack of dedicated elbow coils and lower signal to noise ratio at the off-center magnate. Elbow imaging can be taken side-wise or by placing the patient in superman position. 5-inch wraparound coil is good for imaging elbow (Teh, 2007). This type of coils are versatile and help in visualization of articulation, comprising distal biceps tendon attachment to radial tuberosity, containing different variety of elbow sizes. Images of elbows, which are obtained in flexed position, necessitate the application of surface coils. Picture A, B and C shows patient positions for elbow imaging; source: (Subramanya Herald, 2014). Picture A shows elbow phased array coils and B shows larger phased array coils; source: (Subramanya Herald, 2014). Elbows are complicated joints and commonly injured areas. Assessment of the elbows by MRI is considered as an important option to medical examination. In case of elbow imaging, it should be carried out in three planes. This is because certain structures are finely observed in a particular plane that means: ligaments in coronal, bicep tendons in sagittal and nerves in axial plane. The sequence choice differs by organization and need to include proton density weight sequences and non-fat saturate T1or tiny tau inversion improvement sequences that are crucial for potential bone injury evaluation. Patient positioning is considered as the most important part with MRI. The available coil types, support limitations, size of the patient and medical status may contribute to the suboptimal assessments, especially within the upper extremities. The incarcerating nature of mainly high field MRIs, excluding extremity and open systems, diminishes positioning options, typically for obese patients. I maging can be achieved with lower field strength and the currently applicable field strengths for elbow MRIs are 1.5T units and 3.0T units. Patients are mostly placed in supine position with extended elbow, supinated forearm and arm at the sides. Contralateral arm is sometimes placed above head to develop centering of elbow (Seay, Hasselquist Bensel, 2011). But in this type of position, patients sometimes feel uncomfortable. Hence, a dictated circumferential coil can be applied in this situation. Larger phased array coil is preferable for analyzing larger regions, for example: elbow alone or elbow with forearm. References,. (2015).American medical society for sports medicine - AMSSM. Retrieved 22 March 2015, from Bright, A. (2009).Planning and Positioning in MRI. London: Elsevier Health Sciences APAC. Chiang, Y., Hsieh, S., Lew, H. (2012). 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Demystifying Radial Imaging of the Hip.Radiographics,33(3), E97-E112. doi:10.1148/rg.333125030 Pun, S., Kumar, D., Lane, N. (2014). Review: Femoroacetabular Impingement.Arthritis Rheumatology,67(1), 17-27. doi:10.1002/art.38887 Rengle, A., Armenean, M., Bolbos, R., Goebel, J., Pinzano-Watrin, A., Saint-Jalmes, H. et al. (2009). A Dedicated Two-Channel Phased-Array Receiver Coil for High-Resolution MRI of the Rat Knee Cartilage at 7 T.IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering,56(12), 2891-2897. doi:10.1109/tbme.2008.2006015 Sasaki, K., Tamakawa, M., Onda, K., Iba, K., Sonoda, T., Yamashita, T., Wada, T. (2011). The detection of the capsular tear at the undersurface of the extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon in chronic tennis elbow: the value of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography arthrography.Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery,20(3), 420-425. doi:10.1016/j.jse.2010.12.002 Seay, J., Hasselquist, L., Bensel, C. (2011). Carrying a rifle with both hands affects upper body transverse plane kinematics and pelvistrunk coordination.Ergonomics,54(2), 187-196. doi:10.1080/00140139.2010.538726 Subramanya, S., Herald, J. (2014). Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty With Patient-specific Glenoid Implant Positioning Guides.Techniques In Shoulder Elbow Surgery,15(4), 122-129. doi:10.1097/bte.0000000000000035 Teh, J. (2007). Imaging of the elbow.Imaging,19(3), 220-233. doi:10.1259/imaging/56624048

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

True Virtue vs. False Virtue free essay sample

Virtue, by definition, is moral excellence, goodness, and righteousness. Virtue pertains to the conformity of moral and ethical conduct in one’s life. Every person expresses virtue constantly in their day to day lives. Although the meaning of virtue seems simple enough, Socrates, in his first argument in the Phaedo, breaks it down into two different categories: false virtue and true virtue. The distinctions between these two different types of virtue can be identified purely by looking at the motives and practices of the person carrying out the virtuous action. The first part of Socrates’ argument suggests that philosophers practice separating soul from body. Those who practice separating soul from body aren’t greedy for material things and therefore they aren’t dependent on them. Material things can be described as not only concrete objects, but also as praise or judgment from others. Socrates suggests that those who are involved in the separation of their physical bodies from their spiritual souls base their actions purely on non-cowardice motives. We will write a custom essay sample on True Virtue vs. False Virtue or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He proposes that the separation of soul from body is the basis for all authentic virtue. The material world fades away a little bit in the separation process, and eventually goodness will be the only desire and motive for every action. To take this thought even further, Socrates presents the idea that separation of soul from body, which is true virtue and goodly living, is death. He quotes, â€Å"those occupied correctly in philosophy really do practice dying, and death is less frightening for them than for anyone else†¦ what each of them desire is to have his soul alone by itself, [so] wouldn’t it be most unreasonable if they were afraid and upset about getting what they desired?† Philosophers who practice death also practice true virtue because they are not afraid of consequence; instead they stay virtuous only for goodness’ sake. An example of true virtue can be seen in the Parable of the Good Samaritan. This is a story that Jesus told in the New Testament about a man who was injured and dying on the side of the road. Several people had walked by this man without helping him for whatever their various reasons. Eventually, a Samaritan man, who is thought to be the least likely person to help, came along and cared for the fallen man, took him to an inn, and paid for him to be taken care of. Because the Samaritan did not have any terrible consequences whether he helped the man out or not, we can trace his motives back to pure good. The Samaritan had no other reasons behind his authentic virtuous act of kindness besides that of following his search for greater good. Finally, because this virtuous act can be contributed to goodly living, we can understand that the Good Samaritan was practicing death. Goodly living and the disconnection from worldly things is true virtue, but what is false virtue? This can simply be described as doing the right things for the wrong reasons. You can be courageous, temperate, and faithful out of cowardice, but that is not authentic virtue. Those who exercise false virtue have their hearts set on worldly, material things, whether it is concrete rewards or praises, or even the lack thereof, from others. They make judgment calls based on cowardice and fear. In Jesus’ Parable of the Good Samaritan, it is assumed that the injured man on the side of the road is a Jew. It is also understood that Jews and Samaritans do not get along and therefore refrain from interacting with one another. Although the Samaritan man was kind and helped out the presumably Jewish man on the road, that does not represent the actions of the rest of the Samaritans. As the parable goes, several people travel past the fallen man without helping him out. These people are all shown to exercise false virtue for one of two reasons. The first reason would be because they, too, are Samaritans but they are too prideful and afraid of judgment from others to help out the man. The second reason would be that those travelers are Jews, alike to the fallen man, and are too unwilling to help the man out for fear of touching â€Å"unclean† things and then reaping the consequences thereof. Either way, they would be practicing false virtue because they were acting out of cowardice and fear. Because they were acting for those reasons, they were not practicing death and were not separating their souls from their bodies. The state of virtue can be determined by the motives behind the person’s actions. Virtue, meaning righteousness and morality, can be true or false. Those who are not true philosophers, who do not separate their souls from their bodies, are exercisers of false virtue. They do the things they do because they are timid and weak in their confidence. True virtue is acted upon by people who know death and therefore are not afraid of consequences or criticism. True philosophers practice authentic virtue.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Gatsby Essay Research Paper The Great GatsbyIn free essay sample

Gatsby Essay, Research Paper The Great Gatsby In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby is a cryptic adult male life in the West Egg territory of Long Island. Gatsby is highly affluent and owns a sign of the zodiac with a big swimming pool, a fancy auto, and tonss of retainers. Every Saturday dark, he throws excessive parties which many people, most of who haven # 8217 ; t even been invited, attend. No 1 truly knows anything about Gatsby, except that he is rich and generous. However, many rumours are created about him. Some say that he was a German undercover agent during the war and some say that he killed a adult male. As the summer progresses, Nick Carraway the storyteller who is besides Gatsby # 8217 ; s neighbour, learns more about who Gatsby truly is, or instead who he isn # 8217 ; T and grounds why he lives his life as he does. We will write a custom essay sample on Gatsby Essay Research Paper The Great GatsbyIn or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Nick doesn # 8217 ; t O.K. of Gatsby # 8217 ; s life style and the manner he earns his money, but however he sees Gatsby as superior to those who surround him. Nick admires the romantic hope that motivates Gatsby to prosecute his dreams. Jay Gatsby # 8217 ; s illustriousness is a consequence of his naif belief that he can do his dreams a world. In the beginning of the novel, Nick sums up Gatsby # 8217 ; s character and the grounds why he respects him. # 8220 ; # 8230 ; Gatsby who represented everything for which I have an unaffected contempt. If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, so there was something gorgeous about him # 8230 ; This reactivity had nil to make with that flabby impressionability which is dignified under the name if the # 8216 ; originative disposition # 8217 ; # 8211 ; it was an extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic preparedness such as I have neer found in any other individual and which is non likely I shall of all time happen aga in. # 8221 ; ( 6 ) Nick makes it really clear that he doesn # 8217 ; t agree with the manner Gatsby makes and uses his money. Although Nick comes from a really affluent household himself, he was taught to work hard for his money. However, he does happen himself look up toing Gatsby. He values Gatsby # 8217 ; s hope, no affair how false it is, that one twenty-four hours he will hold a life with the adult female whom he loves. Affluent people frequently use their money to acquire everything they have ever wanted for themselves, but Gatsby uses his money to acquire everything that he thinks Daisy has ever wanted in hopes of winning her dorsum. Gatsby believes in the possibility of love affair, and even though the possibility is based on shallow stuff worlds, it is motivated by his love of Daisy. It is selfish in a manner, but Nick is able to appreciate the romantic facet of it and hence, able to see Gatsby # 8217 ; s true illustriousness. Nick Carraway meets Gatsby for the first cl ip at one of his Saturday dark parties. They become friends and Gatsby begins to confide in Nick about his life. Nick learns that Gatsby # 8217 ; s existent name is Jim Gatz. He changed it to Jay Gatsby when he was seventeen because he wasn’t happy with who he was and where he came from. However, it is from his friend Jordan Baker that Nick learns Gatsby’s biggest secret, the reason for his beautiful parties and lavish lifestyle. Five years earlier, when Gatsby was an officer in the army and about to go to war, he met and fell in love with Nick’s cousin, Daisy Fay. Gatsby went to fight in the war and although he never stopped loving her, Daisy eventually married pompous and arrogant Tom Buchanan. When Gatsby found out that Daisy and Tom had a house on East Egg, he bought his house on West Egg so that he would be directly across the bay from her. The parties and luxuries were all used to try to impress Daisy and they were also part if his dream that he would finally win her back. Gatsby and Daisy meet when Nick invites them both over for tea at Gatsby’s request. During this time, Gatsby is just as captivated by her as he was all those years earlier. He invite s Daisy to his next party and it is there that Nick and Gatsby have a conversation about Daisy that reveals just how much he believes in his dreams. â€Å"‘I wouldn’t ask too much of her,’ I ventured. You can’t repeat the past.’ ‘Can’t repeat the past?’ He cried incredulously. ‘Why of course you can!’ He looked around wildly, as if the past were lurking here in the shadow of his house, just out of reach of his hand. ‘I’m going to fix everything just the way it was before,’ he said nodding determinedly. ‘She’ll see.’†(116) Gatsby is convinced that he can make everything exactly as it was before Daisy married Tom and therefore, make her want to leave Tom to be with him. Unfortunately, he is sadly mistaken. At one point in the novel, Gatsby, Nick, Daisy, Tom, and Jordan Baker go to New York City together for the day, where Gatsby finally reveals his love for Daisy in front of Tom. He wants Daisy to admit that she never loved Tom, be she cannot do it because it would be a lie. Daisy did and maybe still does love Tom and Gatsby can see that nothing he says can change that. His dream of reliving the past is slowly deteriorating before his very eyes. Gatsby and Daisy do however; leave New York City to go home together with Daisy driving his car. As they are speeding away, she accidentally hits a young woman who runs out into the road. Ironically, the woman is Myrtle Wilson, with whom Tom has been having a love affair. She is killed and Gatsby decided that he will take the blame to protect Daisy. It is his final act of love toward her because the next day, Wilson finds Gatsby lounging in his pool and shoots him in the head, killing him. It was Gatsby’s naive hope for love that kept him alive, but also that killed him in the end. His dream of eternal love made him superior to others, but as Gatsby proved, even great men can be destroyed.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

bipolar disorders essays

bipolar disorders essays Bipolar disorders are a class of Axis I mood disorders with severe physical, social, and psychological consequences to the patient, the patients friends and family, and society as a whole. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed., the lifetime prevalence for the three main types of bipolar disorders (bipolar type I, bipolar type II, and cyclothymic disorder) combined is approximately 1-2% percent, and unlike major depressive disorders, bipolar disorder is equally common among both men and women. The disorder appears to be mostly genetic, with a concordance rate of 40% among monozygotic twins and 15-20% among first degree relatives. As the name implies, patients who suffer from bipolar disorder constantly shift between the two poles of the affective spectrum, that is, from depression to mania (or hypomania). There is no specific pattern that allows clinicians to predict what affective state the patient will present next, nor when he or she will cycle into a manic or depressive state. The fact that many patients can often last in a state of affective normalcy for years and then suddenly lapse into depression or mania makes this disorder horrendously difficult for the patient, clinician, and anyone involved in the patients life. The category of bipolar disorder is comprised of three distinct disorders, the first and most common of which is bipolar type I disorder. In this disorder, patients experience episodes of both depression and full-blown mania, normally in a somewhat slow cycle. The depressive episodes are similar to those found in major depression, and if left untreated will usually withdraw in 3 to 4 months. Manic episodes are much more difficult to predict, as they are particularly unique to each individual. Because mania is the defining feature of bipolar disorder (i.e. the differentiating criteria between bipolar and unipolar depression), some time should be spe...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International Commodities Index Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Commodities Index - Article Example The supply chain of most products in initiated in the production or manufacturing stage. During this stage engineers and managers make purchase orders to obtain key raw materials needed to create the goods or services. In the power tool industry, two essential raw materials are metals and plastics. Plastics are a raw material which is considered a petroleum derivative. Crude oil and metals are categorized as commodities in the stock market. Their prices are very volatile and fluctuations in price occurred on a daily basis. Good indicators which analyst in the power tool industry must pay close attention to are commodity price indexes. For example, the Rogers International Commodity Index (RICI) aims to be an effective indicator of the price of raw material in the United States and around the world (Rogersrawmaterials, 2007). When the prices go down on these materials it is good idea to realize bulk purchases. Another strategy the can be utilized to lock the price of the commodity is to acquire future contracts. A future contract obligates a trader to sell an asset at an agreed upon price at some point in the future (Bodie & Kane & Marcus, 2002, p.982). Power pools are products which need energy in order to function. The energy industry is another key industry with has a great impact on the power tool industry. The designers of power tools must consider what type of platform will provide energy into the system. Two possible alternatives are battery and electricity power tools. Trends in the capacity and prices of batteries must be considered since the overall cost of the unit rises after the purchase of the batteries. If the power tools depends on electricity the executives of the companies could analyze trends in the electricity market by utilizing regression analyzes in which the monthly price of electricity over the last 10-20 years in particular country or city are inputted into the equation to determine price trends.Â